season of singleness.

my goal in writing on this topic is to shoot the idolatry of marriage in the head. marriage is beautiful; it is a gift that God created in Genesis. my issue lies in when people put their hope and joy in finding “the one.” it is exalting the gift above the One who gave it from the start. I see in Scripture both married and single men/women who do great feats for the Kingdom of God. Deborah was married (Judges 4) and ruled an entire nation, leading them to victory over their enemies. Ruth was married, initiated a fast that affected the history of the Jewish people. the Apostle Paul was single and wrote most of the New Testament, evangelized most of the first century world, and witnessed incredible miracles. Peter was married, and walked on water, healed the sick, and preached the Gospel all in the power of the Holy Spirit. from these examples, we can see that you can be mightily used by God and marriage is not a prerequisite for that. if you have a desire to be married, then know it is probably from the Lord, since He is the author of covenant. my challenge to you is to keep marriage in its proper place. marriage will not satisfy you, only a relationship with Jesus will. nothing can be above your relationship with Him and if it is, that is an idol. in essence, the Gospel is found in Luke 9:23, “if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” those are the very words of Jesus, not mine. in the Christian life, nothing is guaranteed is in this world. Jesus is our treasure. the only thing He promised we would have is peace and joy in trial, knowing we’re not living for this age, but eternity. I advise you to surrender your desire to be married, fall in love with Jesus, and trust His timing is better than ours. God has adventure in every day of your life. the purpose of life is to know God, not to get married. if it comes, wonderful. if it doesn’t, you still have a whole life to spend falling in love with Jesus Christ.

love, Andrea Claire


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