reading the Bible.

I want to share the beauty and power of reading your Bible daily. Why? Imagine that each day, you have a bag of seeds, choosing where to scatter them throughout your day. And in the years to come, tangible fruit will grow. Would you like your life to have fruit in 20 years? 50 years? Choosing to invest in the Word of God will bring you peace, joy, and life. The Bible is not just another book, and it’s not segments of history made by man. It is the living, breathing, love letter from your Father. Ever had a pen pal? Before the times of social media, people wrote each other letters. It was sentimental and sweet. The Bible is your personal letter from God.

Instead of viewing the Bible as sixty-six separate books, read it as one story spanning the course of all of history. Genesis 1 literally starts with the words “In the beginning,” and the final book Revelation describes the end of the age. Every book in between is the account of various men and women who either served God, or not. Every page in between has purpose and the Lord wastes nothing. The Bible is not a self-help book guaranteeing you a painless life in 30 days. No. This beautiful book is meant to point you to the Savior - Jesus Christ. And let’s not get it twisted, He is not just in the New Testament beginning in the book of Matthew. Jesus is in every single book of these holy scriptures. I encourage you to go find Him.

God wants to talk to you, He wants that intimate time with you. And there are several ways that He speaks. The Bible is one of those primary methods. In order to know the voice of God, you have to dive in and learn the Bible. If you are seeking clarity, direction, or a word from God… but you are not in your Bible, it’s like trying to call someone without dialing their number. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t understand everything, or even find some parts boring. That’s normal, and this is a process. I challenge you to commit, like really commit, to reading your Bible every day. Make a plan, get a Bible reading app, grab some friends, and study a book of the Bible together. We have very little excuse in America for not reading it. Our issue isn’t access, it’s hunger. We are full on other things such as our career, relationship, or social media pages… but refuse the actual words of life. When I was in Bible college, one of my pastors said, “Your Bible is not your textbook, it’s your daily bread.” So come and feast, it’s free.

Love, Andrea Claire


season of singleness.


words are weighty.